MAY 1997

California Graphics & Peripherals
has today announced in world-wide preview the
first motherboard for the Pentium IIŽ processors able to interact with the Pentium ProŽ
processor thank to a daughterboard acting as interface.
This motherboard is the ideal choice for all the applications of new generation and the best
technological solution to satisfy the needs of an extremely demanding market.
The Power Pro II is equipped with the chipset Intel 440FX Picket, already used by the
cheapier board Power Pro, features the Concurrent PCI function which enables a great
improvement of the processing time for the more complex applications, and the Error
Correction Code (ECC) function to survey and correct errors.
The product’s design is greatly innovating ; the new processors’ allocation technique
locates the processor on a slot and no longer on the socket and the more effective and
simple dip switch take the place of the jumpers. The Power Pro II testify the California
Graphic’s improving position in the world-wide productive panorama.
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